Ezra 1

Ezra 1 March 20, 2017

While God’s sense of timing is a mystery to man, it is perfect within His knowledge and wisdom. Several hundred years after King David’s reign, the Israelites lost control of their kingdom and served at the pleasure of the Babylonians. The Babylonian empire gave way to the Persian empire and as the book of Ezra opens, the Israelites are scattered throughout the Persian empire. Scripture does not give us many clues about the king of Persia named Cyrus other to reveal that he has knowledge and understanding of the Lord and believed that he served as king at the bidding of the Lord. It is important to note that when Cyrus sends out his decree, He uses the official name for God, Yahweh. His recognition of the Lord is unmistakable. God as announced the time for the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem.

This time period in the history of Israel is known as the exile. At this point, it had lasted a symbolic 70 years according to 2 Chronicles 36:22. This period began when the Israelites lost control of their kingdom. At this point, God once again steps into history to reset the course and to teach mankind a little more of His nature. The words of this chapter are powerful, “everyone whose spirit God stirred up…” The word “stirred” used here is the same word used in 2 Chronicles 36:22 to describe what the spirit of the Lord had done to Cyrus. This type of movement is known as special revelation. God moved upon the heart of Cyrus and in this chapter, the Bible records His moving upon the hearts of the Israelite people.

It must have been rather exciting news spreading across the empire, at least to the sons of Israel who longed to see the temple restored. The temple served as a unifying presence to all of Israel. It reminded them of the Holiness of God and His calling to the nation. It reminded them they were part of the family. The temple was a big deal. When God stirred their hearts, many responded with gladness and generosity. In all, 5400 articles of gold and silver were collected to finance the work. Not only did the people give an offering, Cyrus had the vessels returned that Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple when it was destroyed. God was surely restoring a portion of the glory to Israel.

The Holy Spirit came and went in the Old Testament. One must remember that much of God’s purposes in the  Old Testament served to show man that he could not function on his own and was in need of a Savior. That Savior is none other than Jesus Christ. Upon His ascension to heaven, the Holy Spirit was given to believers as an indwelling. That opens the door for the Spirit to stir the hearts of men more consistently. We are not in the age of learning we need a Savior, that was proven in the Old Testament. We are in the age of acknowledging the Savior. In the Old Testament, they had the recorded Torah and priests. On occasion, the Spirit would stir their hearts. On this side of the cross, we have the indwelling Spirit and the written Word of God. If we read the Word and spend time with God in prayer through the indwelling Spirit, God will stir our hearts on a continual basis through each day. The tragedy of the Old Testament was the void between stirrings. The tragedy of the church age is the callousness and insensitivity of believers who have the Spirit within. Here is a question of application for today: On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being insensitive and 10 being very sensitive, how would you rate your sensitivity to the indwelling Spirit? As an aid, identifying the last time you sensed the stirring of your heart by the Spirit? God is not having the temple rebuilt today. He is building His church. And the building of His church is spurred on as the Spirit stirs the hearts of believers. Here is a song from Mercy Me that captures the essence:



There’s a stirring deep within me;

Could it be my time has come?

When I’ll see my gracious Savior

Face to face when all is done.


Is that his voice I am hearing?

“Come away my precious one.”

Is he calling me?

Is he calling me?


I will rise up, rise up

And bow down, and lay my crown

At his wounded feet!


There’s a stirring deep within me;

Could it be my time has come?

About garymay

Servant of Jesus, Husband, Father, Pastor, College Instructor, Pilgrim passing through.
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